Friday, 22 June 2012

curtains, curtains & cupcakes

I went off on a tangent after beginning to sew the Magpie and have ended up sewing curtains for the hall...which has been on my to do list since moving in (well over a year and a half ago.) I was feeling inspired after a walk down the lanes, seeing all the beautiful cow parsley in the hedgerows.
 It reminded of this project from The Homemade Home by Sania Pell. So off I went to sew my own version! Here they are...  I might add a butterfly or two in the top part, just to pretty it up some more.

and I finished off these little curtains the other day. They used to be in my kitchen, hence the tea and cakes! They are kind of wonky but they do the job!
 and finally...the Magpie is nearing completion and is looking like this at the moment...
Its been pretty faffy to make because I'm making as a toy so having to sew and reinforce all the seams and thinks of ways to make feet out of soft material. I used felt and rolled it up and sewed over it in zigzag stitch to make the feet. I am super excited about finishing it, I just wonder how long it will last!

I'm definately feeling hyper creative at present, it seems to flow like that, I have times when I don't make anything for weeks on end and just watch way too much rubbish on the computer..then when I've overdosed on reality tv shows and "come dine with me" garbage (and eaten way too much chocolate) I get back in gear. I am so much happier when I'm creating, not always which comes first..whether creating makes me happy or being happy make me creative? What ever it is, its good though! 

Hope you are feeling inspired and creative too!
Wishing you a happy weekend

I'm linking up with Fiona who blogs over at Raindrops and Daisys for a new linky party with a green theme!


  1. Lovely photos Dotty Bird.

    I am laughing here because I have just posted about how bad I am at crafty stuff and here you are
    being all creative and with wonderful projects.

    Why not share your photos today on
    Green Day where people are posting "green" photos
    and sharing with others from around the world.

    Here is the link

    Have a great weekend


    1. I've linked up too..I did think of linking up earlier but wasn't sure if my cow parsley was green enough! Daft..I know! There are plenty of other crafts out there to try!! Don't give up yet!! x

  2. Hi, I love your cow parsley shots against that lovely sky. You are obviously very crafty those curtains look great.
    Many thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog - I really appreciate it. :)

    1. Thanks for visiting too! I'm so glad I took some photos that skies have been a rare thing around here lately!

  3. I'm popping over from Canada, via Green Day. You've reminded me that I've meant to sew up a simple pair of curtains for the kitchen. I mean simple, straight seams, no fancy bits like you have the talent for, I see! :)
    Of course, I'll have to dust off the sewing machine and remember how to make it work...

    1. Thanks, I'm sure its like riding a never forget! Good luck with your sewing :)

  4. your curtains are great! I need to sew 4....

  5. Gorgeous shots of cow parsley! Love it, and you have been a busy bee :-) look forward to seeing it all next week xx

    1. cheers, I know its a cliche but I just love the silhouettes of Cow parsley and hogweed (not sure which is which really?) and such a rare treat to see it against a blue sky! See you Tuesday x

  6. Wow! You're so talented! Your curtains are little works of art!

    1. Thankyou! I was trying to make them a bit artsy because we live in quite a little house that I thought I'd make the most of every bit! :)

  7. I'm visiting from Raindrop & Daisies Green Day.

    I love your curtains, they're lovely.

  8. Gorgeous photos - and what a clever needlewoman you are:-) (Green with envy!!)

    1. Thankyou! I'm always pleasantly suprised when photos turn out well, I'm a pretty slapdash kind of photographer! I much prefer taking pictures of plants than people..they keep still for longer!

  9. Wonderful curtains! And the photos of the cow parsley, too. I am wondering what that's called here in the States.

  10. The curtains are wonderful! And I really like the photos of the cow parsley - I'm wondering what we call it here in the U.S.

    1. Thankyou! :) Not too sure about the American name..and I'm not entirely sure that I've used the right British name! There are quite a few plants that look really similar..the other is called hogweed? They are beautiful to look at but some are poisonous..I really should find out which is which!

  11. Pięknie wyglądają rośliny na tle nieba. Pomysł wykorzystania ich jako wzór na zasłonkach jest uroczy. Pozdrawiam.
    Plants look beautiful against the sky. The idea of ​​using them as the formula for the curtains is cute. Yours.

    1. Its nice to bring a bit of the outside world inside! There are just so many beautiful patterns in nature its hard to know where to start...inspiration overload!

  12. So sweet! I wish I knew how to sew. I don't know if I'd eveer even have the patience to learn now. I wish I'd learned eons ago.

    1. I learnt to sew at an evening class a couple of years ago, it was the best way to learn because we had a fab teacher who you could ask anything. Have a go ! I recommend it!

  13. I love the cow parsley shots, very pretty. Your are creative, love the cute curtains. Hope you are having a wonderful day.

  14. absolutely gorgeous! you are so creative! I love the curtains with the cow parsley! beautiful!


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