Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Giant Birthday Doughnut!

Happy Birthday to Mr dOtty Man!  THe best Papa bird in the land!

We celebrated with a cake which ended up looking like a massive doughnut...as pointed out by little Miss M, so she sang Happy Doughnut to you....

Also, this is what happend when you ask a 3 year old to tidy up the kitchen floor...

We quite often find an intersting array of objects in our shoes, cheers little J, you are such a help!

Hope you are all well and happy xx

I was reminded of a brilliant quote earlier today after a good ol' rant about the state of the word with a fabulous friend..

..."You must be the change you wish to see in the world" 


  1. Happy Birthday to him! :) love the cake...yummmmmm

  2. I love the doughnut cake! Emma had a birthday doughnut last year, but it was normal sized. I guess it was big for her, since she is so small ;) Happy Birthday Dotty Man!

  3. Nowt wrong with a giant birthday donut! And any tidying is a start...

  4. Happy Birthday Mr Dotty Bird! The photo of the shoe/tidying made me laugh out loud, it is very familiar! x

  5. Love the birthday doughnut. Hope Mr. Dotty Bird had a happy one.

  6. for some reason donut type cakes always end up tasting better!
    great blog!

    1. thankyou...there is something strangely satisfying about a donut cake! I've had a peek at your blog and yours look amazing! :)


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