Wednesday, 24 August 2011

da daaaa "the versatile blogger"

Thankyou to Ann from the lovely  Moonbeams & Fireflies blog for nominating me for the versatile blogger award. This is my first badge award, what can I say... its nice to be noticed! I'm quite new to the blogging malarky (only 4 little months old) and I'm really enjoying meeting crafty and fun folk from all around the globe.
Following the award protocol...after accepting the Versatile Blogger Award, the blogger must:

1.  Thank the person who gave the award and link back to them in your post
2.  Share seven things about yourself
3.  Pass this award along to 10 recently discovered blogs

Here are seven things about myself:

1. I find myself humming and whistling alot (because I can never remember the words to songs!), especially if I'm really into making something or I'm nervous. Apparantly its quite annoying!

2. My favourite aromas are Jasmine oil, Rose oil and the smell of Sweet Pea flowers.

3. Digging up potatoes makes me stupidly happy (and excited!)

4.I love to dance and move about in a crazy and free fashion...especially Bellydancing and African dancing!

5. I love cheesy 80's music, especially Aha, and I saw them in concert a few year ago in Brighton, which made me insanely happy. (oh dear)

6. I LOVE living in the country and one day want to to run a smallholding and be as self sufficient as I can be..aaahh dream away

7. I'm pretty out of touch with the world (the irony being my partner teaches media studies) I don't watch tv, read papers or listen to much radio (the odd bit of Radio 4 keeps me posted on stuff).

Finally, here are 10 other blogs I've recently discovered that I nominate for the award, please take a peek at their fab blogs...:
1. Paraphernalia 
2. Mrs Cheese
3. Her Library Adventures
4. Life's Rich Pattern
5. Love Stitching Red
6. The Freedom Three
7. Faith Hope and Charity Shopping
8. Apple of the Forest
9. Love Stitching Red
10. Things to make and doodle

There are so many brilliant , strange and inspiring blogs (its really hard chosing just 10)..when I can work out you put in a link to all the blogs I follow I'll do it! 

Well, its crazy late again, so off to bed now, night me lovelies xxxxx

Sunday, 21 August 2011

nifty thrifty sunday

This weeks carboot loot included this lovely book...
I love old books...I love birds...this is my favourite kind of find!
Also found these lot on the same stall

Finding vintage kids books is becoming a bit of an obsession!
 Got a few new reads...not bad at 20p each

and some more glitzy scarves (for 50p)...nice!
There was a load of other stuff...i went a bit mad this week, Ive managed to find a carboot sale with a park and ice cream van near by so my dear Mr comes along with the kids and I get to loot the carboot all on my own...freedom !

Anyways, we've got family folk staying so I'd better be off. I'm linking up with her library adventures blog to share my carboot wares on the weekly "flea market finds". Have you been thrifting this fine sunday?

bye lovelies x

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Sunday carbooting finds...

I was happy to find these lovely lot on one of the last stalls I got to, after feeling a bit hard done by that I hadn't found anything too interesting, apart from the usual kids toys (..more dinosoaurs) and books..
 and this one
So many gorgeous iillustrations, here are a few...

 and my favourite story is from the 1960's book 'John and the Rocket'. Its a story of a boy who sneaks out with a firework rocket looking for someone to light it and when his dad finds him, rather than freak the hell out because his son has been walking about with an explosive, just picks him up takes him home and then lights it (about a foot away from where they are standing). Hmm childhood in the!

and finally, on a random note! These 20 odd jars of chutney and pickled beans were finally finished at 1am yesterday morning...all for the love of chutney!
Thats all folks, you can join in with thrifting adventures and check out other car boot loot on the blog  Her Library Adventures.

Saturday, 13 August 2011!

I'm afraid its the end for Mr Overgrown Courgette thanks to the Glutney Chutney Recipe from this lovely River Cottage Preserve book. One of my all time faviourite recipes...mmmm

My fabulous chopping music was the White Stripes, was especially loving this song (and this one!!)

Pretty knackered now though after chopping 6 kg of fruit and scrubbing over 20 jars...phew, time for a drink I think! Whats been going on in your kitchen lately....? Any good recipes to share??

Bye for now xxxxxxx

Friday, 12 August 2011

Joy Pockets

A few little moments that sprung to mind were this...
whirling and twirling with our veils

 the mess and joy of days out with little ones
 A 1970's childrens book about potatoes...random but finding it in the local charity shop = joy

what can i say..I'm easily amused!
cheery and kind comments from fellow bloggers....thankyou x
This post from the lovely Soulemama (so reassuring to hear others have the same kind of chaos!)
sound of giggling from hiding children (and the fact that they always hide in the same place for hide and seek)
a bright moon amongst the black silhouette of beech trees
singing loudly to myself in the car (and nearly remembering all the words to this song  by Johnny Flynn & Laura Marling.) I just love the lyrics. 
birds singing

Thankyou to the inspiring Monica at Bohemian Twilight for sharing the idea of Joy Pockets...x

Wishing you all a full moon fun packed weekend xxxxxxxx

Wednesday, 10 August 2011


Thought I'd attempt at taking a few arty pics of my wonderful friends at bellydance class. I've just got in, its been a long day but I'm feeling a good kind of tired...
 check out my super naff photo editing!!
I can feel the moon's presence as it grows fatter, the full moon is on Saturday 13th. I always feel a bit restless and more energetic around the last quarter, I find it seems to bring emotions and ideas into the light, which can either be good or not so good! Does the moon effect you or am I just barking moon gazey kind of mad??

* Sending out some blingy jingly light and laughter to you all *

Tuesday, 9 August 2011


This is what happens if you don't go up to the garden for a few days.......giant courgettes! Definately the beginning of the chutney making extravaganza!

 x  Smile  x

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Adventures in Thrifting...

I'm taking part in the lovely blog her library adventures "flea market finds" today. So here are some of my trasure/trash! All bought in the name of children!! including...a few old kids books from the 70's and 80's

and finally and somewhat randomly... a rubber horse head and a monkey mask!
 A bargain at 50p and it was worth it for the 'freaking the hell out of my kids' value!!
I think it quite suits me, i may just start wearing it when out and about, gardening, shopping... so many uses!

I was also surprised at how camp He-Man looks, he's not quite the alfa male all action man I remember from my childhood!
that really was quite a random post... ah well!

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Joy Pockets

Some of this weeks little pockets of joy included laughing at J excitedly running up to a giant plastic ice cream and licking it..ewww 

finding these lovelies whilst charity shopping....

coincidentally and rather strangely...I'd seen a similar oil burner on the blog falling on a bruise the day before and commented on how lovely it was..then the next day I grab one in the local charity shop for a quid...yey!

realising that nothing at all was planned for saturday...freedom!
reading Chocolat by Joanne Harris (and daydreaming about Johnny Depp!)
the smell of sweetpeas in the garden
 watching the most beautiful purple and pink sunset with a giant crescent moon alongside
catching up with friends (Welcome home Carly!!)

have a fun weekend! x

Thursday, 4 August 2011


So much for pictures and no words (oops) ... Demie over at her lovely and inspiring blog  paraphernalia reminded me of this and I wanted to share it with you, it was written in 1927 by Max Ehrmann. Probably best to print out and read! I first came across it years ago and had quite forgotton about it but its such sound advice!
Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world..
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Fiery Sky

My neighbours kids were out practicing their fire staff and devil stick tricks last night. It looked amazing against the blackness. They are such cool guys, just 9 and 13 years old but already very talented dancers and performers!

and following a Joy Pocket I did a week is a link to the recipe I used to make the chocolate  banana cake. I just used chopped up cooking chocolate instead of raisins and we made them as cupcakes...cos we are impatient and didnt want to wait an hour!! Enjoy! x
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