Following the award protocol...after accepting the Versatile Blogger Award, the blogger must:
1. Thank the person who gave the award and link back to them in your post
2. Share seven things about yourself
3. Pass this award along to 10 recently discovered blogs
Here are seven things about myself:
1. I find myself humming and whistling alot (because I can never remember the words to songs!), especially if I'm really into making something or I'm nervous. Apparantly its quite annoying!
2. My favourite aromas are Jasmine oil, Rose oil and the smell of Sweet Pea flowers.
3. Digging up potatoes makes me stupidly happy (and excited!)
4.I love to dance and move about in a crazy and free fashion...especially Bellydancing and African dancing!
5. I love cheesy 80's music, especially Aha, and I saw them in concert a few year ago in Brighton, which made me insanely happy. (oh dear)
6. I LOVE living in the country and one day want to to run a smallholding and be as self sufficient as I can be..aaahh dream away
7. I'm pretty out of touch with the world (the irony being my partner teaches media studies) I don't watch tv, read papers or listen to much radio (the odd bit of Radio 4 keeps me posted on stuff).
Finally, here are 10 other blogs I've recently discovered that I nominate for the award, please take a peek at their fab blogs...:
1. Paraphernalia
2. Mrs Cheese
3. Her Library Adventures
4. Life's Rich Pattern
5. Love Stitching Red
6. The Freedom Three
7. Faith Hope and Charity Shopping
8. Apple of the Forest
9. Love Stitching Red
10. Things to make and doodle
There are so many brilliant , strange and inspiring blogs (its really hard chosing just 10)..when I can work out you put in a link to all the blogs I follow I'll do it!
Well, its crazy late again, so off to bed now, night me lovelies xxxxx