Tuesday, 2 August 2011

August Break

It's been a little hectic around here since my man and kids broke up for summer hols (and yep, teacher's holidays rock!!) We've had family folk staying and we are off visiting people and places and somehow having two of us around to look after the kids doesnt seem to make it alot easier, they are more hyped up, crazy and needy as ever!!

So anyway, point being I'm going to partake in the August Break as organised by photographer Susannah Conway over at her blog. The idea, as I understand it, is just to just post a pic (or more) a day make the blog easier to digest so we can all have a little less time spent staring googley eyed at the ol' computer and enjoy some of the fleeting summer sun (or starry nights!!). I'll be posting more pics and less of the blab (well thats the idea anyway!).  So bear with me...

We spent sunny/ cloudy/ slightly drizzling afternoon at the lovely little beach at Talland Bay, Cornwall.  There were rockpools, sandcastles, sea and nearly some sun! Its all good, and J discovered the hard way that sticking your face into a big pile of sand is not always the best idea.. yummy gritty sand!

Hope you're all enjoying your Summer! x

ps...any of you cornish birds know any lovely beaches worth visiting???


  1. I thought it was a shark in the distance on the first pic !!
    Looks like you are having a fun time, wish I was there! I have too many flipping dogs and horses and chickens to be able get away from home!

  2. yep!! it really does look like I'm feeding J to a shark!! I didnt really notice that when I posted the pic..oops. It is good to be free of pets and livestock! I'm finding kids such a handful at the moment that Im glad to have no other things to feed and clean out! hope you enjoy your summer, sounds like youve got your hands full!

  3. i think i need to participate in the august break...beach trip looks fun!

  4. freedom three..you look like you've been pretty busy on the crafting work!, I love the clothes youve been making. I need to spend a little more time making rather than typing..and daydreaming! and the beach is pretty fun once weve got over the initial maddness of kids running in different directions over rocks and in the sea! I love to see how immersed they get in the elements, sticking their faces in the sea and in the sand, climbing into rockpools, digging, throwing and lots of running. I wish I still had that kind of energy!

  5. Lovely pictures! The last one really made me smile. What a cheeky chappie! Heh. It sounds like a fab idea too. I always wish I took more pictures. I am taking part in a photo scavenger hunt, but I like this idea too - must check it out!

  6. Just popped over from Raindrops & Daisies and saw your beautiful photograhs and lovely blog.
    You have a new follower!

    Have a good weekend.



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